Contact – Please klick the button for registration requests
Buddhist Retreat Center Schwarzenberg
Hinterschwarzenberg 8
D-87466 Oy-Mittelberg
Only for requests NOT concerning accomodation:
Phone: +49 (8366) 98380
Fax: +49 (8366) 983818
Sangha get-togethers can be used for exchange, project planning, meditation and togetherness. We are happy to offer our house as a meeting place with the appropriate conditions: for example, lectures and guided meditations both mornings and evenings. Please call us for more information on Sangha retreats.
Our banking details:
Karma Kagyü Schule e.V. – Buddhistische Zentren Alpen ( kurz: KKS e.V.)
Postbank München
IBAN: DE64 7001 0080 0434 4438 04
Schwarzenberg on Facebook
Founded: 10.03.1983